23nd Annual ESOL Conference

esol conference believe celebrate excel you matter kennesaw state university 2025
Kennesaw State University and the Bagwell College of Education proudly present the 23rd Annual ESOL Conference.


  • Presenter - $75
  • One Day F2F - $150
  • Both Days F2F - $250
  • One Day Virtual - $100
  • Both Days Virtual - $200
  • KSU Student - $20

For Credit Cards:  KSU Mall credit card pay

For Purchase Orders or Checks: 

  1. Please download the following registration form to complete it for your organization or group.
  2. Email the form to KSU_ESOL@kennesaw.edu.
  3. An invoice for your registration will be emailed for you to pay by check.

Need help? Please contact Donna Fitzgerald at 470-578-8102 or email all payment questions to KSU_ESOL@kennesaw.edu/

Register with P.O./Check

You Matter: Believe, Celebrate, Excel

Join us for this exciting conference that brings local, national, and international ESOL professionals together to learn about programs and pedagogies that serve English learners!

Conference Details 

  • Attendees can participate virtually or in-person
  • Wednesday, March 12, 2025 (Elementary Education)
  • Thursday, March 13, 2025 (Middle & Secondary Education)
Registrer with P.O/Check

Conference Links

prillman hall.

2024 ESOL Conference Participants