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  • Kennesaw State

    Kennesaw State sees leap in summer enrollment

    July 08, 2021

    In what has been a record-breaking year for enrollment, more than 20,300 have enrolled in the Summer 2021 semester at Kennesaw State University, with graduate programs seeing a nearly 9 percent increase since last year.

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  • Kun Suo

    Kennesaw State professor awarded NSF grant to research solutions for Internet of Things

    July 06, 2021

    Kennesaw State University professor Kun Suo has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to develop solutions for highly efficient, low-power computing in the cloud. Suo, an assistant professor of computer science in Kennesaw State’s College of Computing and Software Engineering, said the $173,000 grant will allow him to continue his research involving Internet of Things (IoT), or the interconnected network of computing devices embedded in everyday objects.

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  • SPSU Alumni

    Southern Polytechnic State University Alumni Society invites alumni to come home

    June 29, 2021

    It’s been six years since Southern Polytechnic and Kennesaw State joined forces to create Georgia’s second-largest university. The consolidation of the two schools created a total alumni base of nearly 130,000 living graduates. In recognition of the history, legacy and traditions that were an integral part of SPSU, the Kennesaw State University Alumni Association has chartered the Southern Polytechnic State University Alumni Society (SPSUAS).

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  • Kennesaw State

    Kennesaw State academic programs rank among nation's best

    June 17, 2021

    Kennesaw State University has been ranked by several online organizations for having some of the nation’s best academic programs. During the Spring 2021 semester, several KSU academic programs were ranked for their curriculum quality, affordability, course strength and flexibility, among others.

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  • Paola Spoletini

    Kennesaw State professor uses platform to encourage women in STEM

    May 28, 2021

    Paola Spoletini recalls stepping into her first engineering course at Politecnico di Milano in Italy as one of the only female students among a class of 100. Equipped with decades of research experience and a platform through which she can connect with the next generation of STEM scholars, Spoletini now plays an active role in encouraging other women to take their seat at the table. A professor of software engineering in Kennesaw State University’s College of Computing and Software Engineering, Spoletini said she recognized her own passion for STEM at an early age.

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  • Alyssa Venn

    Kennesaw State's School of Data Science and Analytics offers opportunity for all levels of students

    May 26, 2021

    Kennesaw State University student Alyssa Venn considers herself an early adopter of data science. While working toward an bachelor’s degree in computational and applied mathematics, she picked up an undergraduate minor in applied statistics and analytics hoping to gain a bit of exposure in one of the nation’s fastest growing fields. At the time, she didn’t anticipate the amount of doors the minor program would open. Today, Venn is one of 4,200 students who are served at the undergraduate and graduate levels by the School of Data Science in Analytics.

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  • Rehma Razzak

    Kennesaw State computer science graduate realizes potential through research

    May 13, 2021

    Ask Kennesaw State University professor Mohammed Aledhari to describe graduate computer science student Rehma Razzak, and he will respond with one word: productive. Her resume, on the other hand, speaks for itself. In her first 16 months of graduate study, Razzak authored and co-authored nine academic papers with another four papers submitted for review.

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  • Samuel Wolde

    Kennesaw State online master's program proves the right path for graduate

    May 10, 2021

    When he was in ninth grade, Kennesaw State University student Samuel Wolde’s parents moved their family more than 12,000 miles from Ethiopia to Minnesota to provide their children with better educational and career opportunities. “My parents left everything behind and sacrificed a lot to give us a better future,” said Wolde, who is now 25 years old. “Adjusting to the new culture, language, and this new world was challenging.” This week Wolde is set to earn a Master’s of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) without ever having to travel the 750 miles between Kennesaw and where he now lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He credits the online program with providing the education he needs to advance his career, while fitting around his full-time work schedule.

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  • Jacob Rybak

    Kennesaw State student earns national recognition for research

    April 26, 2021

    Jacob Rybak is having an unforgettable final year as a Kennesaw State University student, presenting to prestigious research conferences across the country and even being a featured speaker for one of them. Rybak has been working with professor Susan Hardy for several months on research aimed at reforming the prison system in the United States and reducing the number of former inmates who relapse into criminal activity and return to jail.

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  • Hackathon for Social Good

    Kennesaw State University hosts inaugural Hackathon for Social Good

    April 07, 2021

    Kennesaw State University’s College of Computing and Software Engineering (CCSE) recently hosted its inaugural Hackathon for Social Good, allowing students to apply their knowledge and technical know-how to solve societal problems.

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