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Alums tout value of KSU education
As much as Kennesaw State University students enjoy their college days, they often develop an even greater appreciation for their KSU experience after they graduate and truly see the value of their degree. – August 28, 2020
KSU physics professor earns NSF grant
Kennesaw State University professor Nicolas Douguet has been awarded a $138,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study molecules subject to intense and ultra-fast laser fields. – August 27, 2020
Scholarship Endowment Honors Legacy of Late Engineering Alumnus
In life, John Slocum was revered as a tireless engineer, a steadfast friend and devoted father. Following his untimely passing in February, his colleagues chose to carry on his legacy by generating a lasting impact toward what he held most dear – a college education. Recently, KSU’s Division of University Advancement announced an $815,500 gift from multiple donors affiliated with Kennesaw-based Freedom Electronics LLC to establish the John Slocum Memorial Scholarships in honor of the late Southern Polytechnic State University alumnus who co-founded the company. – August 26, 2020
Geography professors encourage KSU students to make a sustainable difference
Environmental sustainability might often be thought of as a global initiative, but according to Kennesaw State University geography professor Vanessa Slinger-Friedman, it starts at the local level. Slinger-Friedman incorporates sustainability – the ability to meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs – into her teaching at Kennesaw State. – August 26, 2020
New KSU internal grant focuses on university's signature research themes
Five research teams will have the opportunity to pursue new interdisciplinary projects over the next two years as grant recipients of the Interdisciplinary Innovation Initiative (I3) sponsored by the Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation (KSURSF). – August 25, 2020
College of the Arts to open 2020-2021 season
For the ArtsKSU Fall 2020 season, most concerts, performances and exhibitions will be virtual and streamed online for free! A simple sign-on is all that is required to begin watching your favorite music, dance, and theatre performances. Simply choose the event or performance that you'd like to watch, and you will be guided through a simple process to watch live. – August 25, 2020
Coles College Executive MBA Alumna Honored with Women in Biometrics Award
Lauren Reed has spent most of her career working in forensics and biometrics technology to identify national security threats, but the knowledge she recently gained in strategic leadership and teamwork as a Kennesaw State graduate student added a new layer to her robust career. A May 2020 Executive MBA graduate in Kennesaw State’s Michael J. Coles College of Business, Reed currently serves as senior program director for biometric forensics at IDEMIA National Security Solutions. – August 24, 2020
Doctoral Student Embodies Interdisciplinary Approach to Research
Much like the winding path that led her to Kennesaw State, Liyuan Liu’s approach to research has been anything but linear. Since starting in the University’s Ph.D. in Analytics and Data Science program in 2017, she has published 18 peer-reviewed research papers alongside faculty representing three Kennesaw State departments: computer science, information technology and psychology. – August 24, 2020
KSU students, gaming industry rally to fulfill Make-A-Wish request
For more than 1,000 days, 14-year-old Ethan Daniel has fought childhood leukemia. However, despite frequent hospital visits that prevent him from seeing his friends and family, he maintains a sense of normalcy through playing video games. Inspired by the positive effects of gaming, he set a goal of building a game that emulated his own life journey in the fight against cancer, hoping to ignite a fire in others who share a similar path. With the support of Make-A-Wish Georgia, Kennesaw State University and several Atlanta-based professional game developers, his wish was granted. – August 21, 2020
Donors support education abroad opportunities for KSU students
Christie and Tom Emerson have long believed in the importance of giving back to their community. Now, the couple is helping students at Kennesaw State spread their wings. Christie, an associate professor of nursing at KSU, said that she and Tom, a urologist with Wellstar Health System, have always enjoyed traveling. But a trip in 2009 to visit a friend and former colleague who had relocated to the United Arab Emirates, started her wheels turning. – August 20, 2020