Hyflex Overview
The HyFlex Model (short for hybrid flexible) is a multi-modal solution that centers around the student’s choice. A HyFlex course is offered face-to-face and fully online in a combination of the following elements:
- Face-to-Face (F2F)
- Synchronously online where set time and day are observed even by students at a distance. They would join class through a program like Zoom or Teams.
- Asynchronously online where students will work at their own time and place while observing set deadlines. The F2F sessions can also be recorded for asynchronous students to watch in their own time.
The defining characteristic of this student-centered model is that students can choose which modality to participate in on a week-to-week or even day-to-day basis. One day, they could attend class on campus, the next day, they may want or need to join from a laptop and another day, they could forego any synchronous activities to work through content asynchronously. It is the instructor’s responsibility to have a fully developed F2F course and a fully developed online course in D2L. The instructor does; however, get to choose whether to have a synchronous online (Teams, Zoom) component. But it is highly recommended they find some way to incorporate what happened in the classroom for students who attend asynchronously.