This page includes information about events planned and hosted by GIRN members, with the most recent events listed first. Please click on the event title to find out more information about the particular event.
March 2019
March 11: Community Engagement in Action: Green Card Youth Voices Atlanta. On Monday,
March 11, 2019, at 5:00 PM, in Sturgis Library room 101, join us for "Community Engagement
in Action: Green Card Youth Voices Atlanta" featuring special guest Dr. Tea Rozman
Clark (Executive Director of Green Card Voices) and a discussion with young immigrant
authors, KSU student editors, and KSU faculty members: Dr. Lara Smith-Sitton (English),
Dr. Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez (Social Work and Human Services), and Dr. Paul N. McDaniel
(Geography and Anthropology).
June 2018
June 18:Voices of Refugeesevent at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta. At this event,
in honor of World Refugee Day, four student authors from Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School- originally from Myanmar, Nepal, Rwanda and Afghanistan - read their personal essays,
followed by an interview with Rev. Jesse Jackson and a panel discussion with local
area refugee service providers.
May 2018
May 13:Book launchevent forGreen Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School, at the Alliance Theater in Atlanta.
May 4: The Spring 2018 Georgia Immigration Research Network (GIRN) meeting will take place at Kennesaw State University (Marietta Campus).
"Immigration and Immigrant Integration in Georgia and the U.S. South"
What:Spring 2018 Georgia Immigration Research Network (GIRN) Meeting: Immigration and Immigrant Integration in Georgia and the U.S. South. A one-day mini conference for researchers, practitioners, and graduate and undergraduate students.
When:Friday, May 4, 2018, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Where:Kennesaw State University, Marietta Campus: Joe Mack Wilson Student Center (Building A), Ballroom A/B. 1100 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, Georgia 30060. (Campus Maps,
Parking:KSU Guests may park in lot P51 just to the west of the student center on the Marietta Campus, and there is no fee for parking (KSU Marietta Campus Map).
The Georgia Immigration Research Network invites researchers, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and practitioners to submit presentation proposals to be included in a full-day mini-conference on immigration and immigrant integration in Georgia and the U.S. South. The conference takes place at Kennesaw State University (Marietta Campus) on Friday, May 4, 2018, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
We welcome submissions that address the following themes (these are suggestions and
this is not an exhaustive list), particularly as they apply to Georgia and the broader
U.S. South:
Immigration and refugee policy
Immigrant and refugee integration and receptivity, including municipal and regional
Ways in which state and local leaders promote (or impede) immigrant integration
The role of non-governmental organizations – such as nonprofit organizations, labor unions, faith-based institutions, educational organizations, business organizations, student groups, and foundations – in immigrant and refugee integration
Urban coalitions/collaborations and immigrant/refugee integration
Immigrant political participation of various forms
Immigrant entrepreneurship and cities
City policies and practices (e.g., language access, municipal ID cards, sanctuary,
legal services, voting rights, housing, education, etc.) and their impact on immigrant
Refugee resettlement
Policing and immigrants
Protests and immigrant rights
Urban media and immigrants
Urban (re)development and immigrants
Cities, immigrant rights, and federalism, especially in light of new and changing policies at the federal level
Relationships among municipal immigrant integration efforts, city branding strategies,
and economic development initiatives
Researchers, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and practitioners interested
in participating should submit a 300-word proposal. Please use the online presentation
proposal submission form below. Proposals must be received by March 22, 2018 in order
to be considered. Decisions will be announced by April 2, 2018. We will accept individual
proposals, but not panel proposals. Questions can be directed to Dr. Paul McDaniel
April 2018
April 20: Panel discussion aboutGreen Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High Schoolat theAtlanta Studies Symposiumat Emory University.
March 2018
March 2: Civic Engagement Academy.
November 2017
November 13:Geography Awareness Week Theme Event: A Discussion on the Geography of Civil Rights
November 7: Talk to Strangers: Creating a Welcoming America at KSU
April 2017
April 26: Local, Regional, and National Perspectives on Immigrant Integration Policy
and Welcoming Cities
March 2017
March 3: GIRN Working Group and Networking Meeting
Organizers: Dr. Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez and Dr. Paul N. McDaniel. Held at the Burruss Institute of Public Service and Research, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia. March 3, 2017. The overall purpose of this meeting was to bring together those working with or conducting research on immigrant populations throughout the state of Georgia to improve their overall quality of life. There were around 60 participants. Goals of the gathering were to:
Identify immigrant crises in the Atlanta Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and Georgia,
including the changing political administrations at all levels of government; no-,
blue-, pink-, and white collar workers' needs; and how to aid individuals and family
systems with varying immigration status.
Discuss available data sources and data gaps necessary to assess immigrant needs and
the needs of the organizations that serve them.
Prioritize issues impacting immigrant communities in the Atlanta MSA and throughout
Georgia, including current and emerging issues.
Develop an action plan to effectively address key immigrant concerns in the Atlanta
MSA region.
Explore funding opportunities and grants targeting immigrants, immigrant service provision,
and immigrant integration.
Network with other immigrant-serving professionals and researchers.
March 13: Coming to America: A Conversation on Contemporary Immigrant and Refugee
March 2016
March 9: Welcoming Cities: A Dialogue between Research and Policy