Welcome to the Part-Time Faculty Council

Since its creation in 2013, the Part-Time Faculty Council has advocated on behalf of all KSU part-time faculty. We trust that this website will provide some of the resources necessary for your success at KSU. Please let us know if you have any specific questions or concerns.

Upcoming Meeting Teams Link

2024-2025 Executive Committee

Christopher Thompson


Jenevieve Goss

Parliamentarian          jgoss36@kennesaw.edu

Joshua Yarbrough


Russell Spears

Policy & Planning Chair rspear10@kennesaw.edu

Yvonne Wichman

Interim Secretary & Past President ywichman@kennesaw.edu


Congratulations to the 2024-2025 RCHSS Part-Time Teaching Award recipient, Christopher Thompson!

Payroll Calendar

Stay informed about upcoming payroll dates and deadlines with the 2024 Payroll Calendar. This section provides essential payroll guidance for bi-weekly and monthly employees, including instructions for submitting time sheets, managing absences, and avoiding missed deadlines. Be sure to review and complete all required actions by each payroll deadline to ensure accurate and timely compensation.

Visit the links provided for access to OneUSG Connect, job aids, and holiday schedules. For any additional questions, reach out to Payroll Services for assistance.

View the 2024 Payroll Calendar

Payroll Deadlines and More Information


  • Please make sure the following items are completed by the payroll deadline:

    Biweekly Employees

    Be sure to review your time sheets by the deadline to ensure that all time and absences for the two-week pay period have been entered. Promptly address any unapproved absences with your manager since unapproved absences will be uncompensated.

    In order for your manager to approve an absence, the absence cannot be in “saved” status.  Absences in “saved” status must be forecasted and submitted. Saved absences can also prevent you from submitting reported time in the same week as the incomplete absence.

    Biweekly Managers

    Review all time sheets for accuracy and completion; make sure all reported time and absences have been approved prior to the deadline.

    If you need to make corrections, it is recommended that you view the timesheet in ‘punch timesheet’ mode.  Punch Timesheet mode allows you to view all the punch time/web clock entries, reducing the risk of duplicating hours.

    • Review Timesheets for Missing Punches – All missing punches must be corrected, or they will be removed by Payroll Services. End of shift clock-out entries that are recorded in the ‘meal-out’ position will result in uncompensated time.
    • Absence Requests – All absence requests have to be approved by the payroll deadline.  Absences that are in “saved” status or that have not been approved will be uncompensated.
    • SPARs must be received in Payroll Services by 5:00 pm, on the specified calendar date, in order to be included on the current pay. SPARS received after this deadline will be scheduled for the next pay.

    If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to send an email to payroll@kennesaw.edu, as any unreported time and/or corrections made after the deadline will not be processed until the following payroll.

    Important links:
  • Monthly and Full-time Staff

    Please have all absence requests for the current month submitted and approved by your supervisor.

    Part-time Faculty

    All ACA hours need to be entered in OneUSG for the current month and approved by your supervisor.  Be sure to select the Time Reporting Code of ‘ACA Tracking’ on your time sheet.


    SPARs must be received in Payroll Services by 5:00 pm, on the specified calendar date, in order to be included on the current pay. SPARS received after this deadline will be scheduled for the next pay.

    Important links:

  • Visit the Holidays page on the Human Resources web page for information on paid holidays. Scroll to the bottom of the page for Holiday schedules for each year.
A calculator with a hand hovering over the buttons, placed on top of financial documents. The documents include graphs, charts, and numbers, along with a group of coins.