If this is your first time using a VA education benefit at KSU, please begin with our Get Started page before continuing on this page.
Students using VA Benefits at KSU have ongoing responsibilities to the VA and KSU. The student's entitlement is based upon the number of credit hours for which they are certified. Current pay rates can be viewed at: www.va.gov.
Students must notify the VA Certifying Official for any of the following:
- Request for Certification form to be submitted for each upcoming semester (see instructions on form)
- Change of degree program
- If readmitting to KSU
- Withdrawal from a class (only Chapters 33 and 31)
Chapter 33 (Post 9/11)
All students receiving the Chapter 33 education benefit must verify their monthly enrollment to the VA at the end of each month to receive their MHA. You can find instructions on the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs website.
Chapter 30 and Chapter 1606 Monthly Verification
All students receiving Chapter 30 or Chapter 1606 benefits must verify their monthly enrollment no earlier than the last day of each month or after. The benefit (monetary award) will not be released by the VA until this is done. Enrollment verification can be accomplished by using the VA toll-free telephone number 1.877.823.2378 or the WAVE feature found on the VA website www.gibill.va.gov.
University Charges
Students are responsible for paying all university bills. The student MUST adhere to published payment deadlines. Please check your account one week prior to the published payment deadline to confirm amount owed, if any, to KSU.
Veterans and survivors/dependents receiving the following benefits – Chapter 30, Chapter 1606, and Chapter 35 - are responsible for paying all tuition and fees prior to the published payment deadline.
Students (veterans and dependents) receiving Post 9/11 benefits must submit a Request for Certification form each semester before they can be certified. If the request to certify is not on file, the Chapter 33 student must pay full tuition by the payment deadline.
Those who have a request to certify for the applicable semester on file, receive 100% of the benefit, and have an in-state status will have their tuition and fees covered for classes that are required for their degree program. Any Chapter 33 student with an out-of-state status, or receiving less than 100% of the Post 9/11 benefit, or with insufficient benefit time to cover the full semester will be responsible for any charges not covered by their VA benefit and must pay by payment deadlines.
Chapter 31 (VR&E, formerly known as Voc Rehab) students must verify through their Chapter 31 VR&E Counselor that their authorization to charge the university (for tuition/fees/books, and/or supplies) has been uploaded for the Certifying Official. Chapter 31 students must also submit the Request for Certification form to their VA School Certifying Official for their benefit to be applied to their student account.
It normally takes the VA processing center 6-8 weeks to process new educational claims, so please plan accordingly.