Limited Submissions
Two types of grant proposals require additional institutional approval beyond the chair and dean and these must be discussed with the Office of Research prior to submission.
A Limited Submission* is a funding program for which the sponsor has restricted the number of applications or proposals an institution can submit in response to that program; KSU determines which proposals can move forward. For example, the National Science Foundation limits the number of institutional proposals for its Major Research Instrumentation program – KSU can submit no more than three proposals per solicitation.

Program Implementation Grants* include scholarship programs for students (NSF, NRC, DOE), college readiness programs for local area high school students, and other programs where KSU is providing a program for either KSU or external constituents. Proposals for such programs must be approved by the University because they represent KSU and often only one proposal from KSU will be considered although there is no official limitation on the number of proposals from an institution.
*The principal investigator should email us if a proposal is being developed for any program that requires this additional institutional
approval from KSU.
Apply for Limited Submissions
InfoReady contains an up-to-date, curated list of limited submission opportunities. If you do not see the opportunity you are interested in, email us so we can set up a competition.Typically, shorter proposals are due one month in advance of the solicitation deadline, and longer proposals are due two months in advance.