Global Ambassador Program

Welcome to KSU’s Global Ambassador (GA) program, which is designed to promote a globally-focused education at Kennesaw State University (KSU).  Each member of this select group of undergraduate, graduate, and international students serves as a knowledgeable and passionate representative of KSU’s global experiences, promoting and supporting the efforts of the Office of Global Education in a variety of ways: 

  • Serving as official representatives of the Office of Global Education
  • Promoting the advantages of education abroad
  • Building a community of students with a passion for global education at KSU
  • Planning, promoting, and supporting Global Education programs and events
  • Making a significant contribution to KSU’s international culture, by mentoring and advising students who will be studying abroad.

Global Ambassador Opportunity

KSU’s Global Ambassadors are excited to share their global experiences with other students, to help them explore the possibilities! 

You may be eligible if you:

  • have studied abroad
  • are currently an international student with at least one year of experience at KSU
  • or have had a transformative international experience (ex. lived abroad, travelled abroad with your family, etc.)

Interested in learning more? Review the position descriptions below for information on the important role of these global student leaders.

The application will be open through July 26, 2024.  Students selected to serve as Global Ambassadors will be notified via their KSU student email by August 2, 2024. Please contact if you have any questions. 

Global Ambassador JD GA Team Leader JD Apply Here!

Message from the 2023-24 Global Ambassador (GA) Team Leader

Studying abroad has completely changed my worldview and the trajectory of my future. Both times that I traveled to Italy altered my outlook and plans. The memories that I made while out of the country were ones that I think every student should have the opportunity to enjoy. Not only is studying abroad fun and exciting, but it is a transformative experience. My perspective on the world and the people within it has been transformed. Engaging with people from different walks of life allows students to elevate their education and practice empathy. My trips have broadened the horizon of what possibilities I envision lie ahead. I gained a new sense of independence and ambition from studying abroad, which has led me to have greater expectations for my future.  Many students do not attempt to get involved with these programs because of the expenses, however multiple scholarships enabled me to travel, and I believe educating students about financial aid opportunities will spark greater interest. I am privileged to share these perspectives with over 40,000 students at KSU, as I lead the Global Ambassador team and promote the many benefits of a global education. 
Dallas Dickson, English Major / Minor in Honors Ancient and Modern Classics 

2023-24 Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassador Study Abroad Location Major / Minor
Alethia Young South Korea International Business  
Alexis McCowin Ghana Interdisciplinary Studies  
Aliune Ba France Industrial and Systems Engineering  
Antonio Pierce Zambia Business  
Auri Hogg Costa Rica and Italy  Biology / Professional Writing  
Camarion Williams Costa Rica Criminal Justice / Sociology and Criminology  
Elsa Wogue Yomeni U.S. from Cameroon Electrical Engineering Technology  
Emma Davenport Italy Journalism and Emerging Media  
Isabella Mendizabal Spain International Business   
Kyli Daniels France & Spain Graphic Communication  
Leah Hackaday Japan International Affairs / Japanese  
Madelyn Grimes Italy Interactive Design / Technical Communication  
Manuel Marcano Switzerland Graduate Student in International Policy Management  
Mark Gilroy France International Business / French / Francophone Studies  
Nia Montgomery Vietnam Interactive Design / Psychology  
Olivia Hood France International Affairs  
Selma Atic Costa Rica Biology / Pre-med / Spanish  
Taylor Wollaston South Korea International Business / Korean