2024 Chili 'N Cheer

invitation to chili and cheer wednesday december 4 2024 at 11:30 in the convocation center arena

We invite you to attend the annual Chili 'N Cheer and Years of Service Celebration!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024
KSU Convocation Center Arena
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Food service begins at 11:30
Program begins at 12:15

Thank you to the KSU Foundation and University Stores for their generous support.

Hosted by: The Office of the President and Human Resources 

View our 2024 honorees!

CARE Center Donations

Please remember to bring your donations for the CARE Center.

Requested items are listed below **NO expired items please**:

  • Hearty Soup
  • Canned Pasta (ravioli, SpaghettiOs, etc.)
  • Canned Chicken
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Pasta Noodles
  • Beverages (shelf Milk, Water, Gatorade, juice, etc.)

Holiday Sweater Contest

In conjunction with the 2024 Chili 'N Cheer celebration, KSU will host a Holiday Sweater Contest.

Prizes will be awarded for the ugliest, most festive, and most creative attire.


Congratulations to the following employees celebrating a milestone year for their continuous USG service!

  • Billie Brotman - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Tom Miller - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
  • Nurudeen Akinyemi - OGE - Global Education
    Marla Bell - CSE - Statistics&Analytical Sci
    Davide Gaetano - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Traci Hubbard - FIN - Fiscal Services
    David Jones - HSS - History & Philosophy
    Theresa Kennedy - ESE - Admissions
    Michael McGehee - ART - Dean-Arts
    Mehrdad Mesbahi - EET - Civil&Enviromental Eng
    Arlean Paige - EDU - Ctr For Plcmt & Partnrshps
    James Tompkins - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Rajaram Veliyath - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
  • Anja Bernardy - HSS - World LanguagesAndCultures
    Laurie Brown - ESE - Admissions
    Angela Bryant - ESE - Admissions
    Christina Coronado - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Laurie Dias - EDU - InstructTechnology&Innovat
    Murat Doral - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Eric Eidson - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Ameen Farooq - ACM - Architecture
    Jonathan Gilliam - COM - VP Stra Comm&Marketing
    Jonathan Higgins - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Paula Jackson - SCM - Ecol, Evol, & Organis Biol
    Raynice Jean-Sigur - EDU - Elem & Early Childhood
    David Johnson - HSS - English
    Melissa Kell - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Rommy Lane - PDC - Design & Construction Serv
    Matthew Laposata - SCM - Ecol, Evol, & Organis Biol
    Douglas Moodie - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
    Anushua Poddar - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Demetria Sisk - BSC - Student Financial Aid
    Ginny Zhan - HSS - Psychological Science
  • Premila Achar - SCM - Molecular & Cellular Biol
    Janeen Amason - HHS - Nursing
    Donald Brookshire - STA - Sports & Recreation
    Joy Brookshire - SCM - Molecular & Cellular Biol
    Shirnett Campbell - EET - Civil&Enviromental Eng
    Robin Cheramie - BUS - Dean-Business
    Debra Coffey - EDU - Elem & Early Childhood
    Binbin DeVillar - EDU - Educational Leadership
    Lisa Duke - PRE - Office of the President
    Jamae Flint - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Hongmei Gao - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    William Garner - BSC - AUX-Access Control
    Katarina Gephardt - HSS - English
    Dorianne Gutierrez - OLI - OrgEffLdrshpDev.&InclExcel
    Kellie Hebblethwaite - EDU - TRAC
    Rongbing Huang - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Stacey Hurt-Milner - STA - Fraternity & Sorority Life
    John Johnson - HHS - Exercise Sci & Sport Mgmt
    Sarah Jordan - SCM - Chemistry & Biochemistry
    Nikolaos Kidonakis - SCM - Physics
    John Lawless - ART - Bailey School of Music
    Aaron Levy - HSS - English
    Tamara Livingston - MRB - Museum, Archive & Rare Bks
    Thomas McElroy - SCM - Ecol, Evol, & Organis Biol
    Laura McGrath - HSS - English
    Robert Milam - LAF - Public Safety
    Vickie Moody - HON - Honors
    Daniel Niederjohn - HSS - Psychological Science
    Mary Odom - HSS - English
    Valerie Patrick - DUA - Foundation
    Scott Reese - SCM - Dean-Science & Mathmatics
    Abhra Roy - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Amanda Sampson - ESE - Admissions
    Jesse Schwartz - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Ermal Shpuza - ACM - Architecture
    Rajnish Singh - SCM - Chemistry & Biochemistry
    Samuel Skelton - ART - Bailey School of Music
    Deborah Smith - HSS - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Susan Smith - HSS - Geography & Anthropology
    Veronica Trammell - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Carlton Usher - HSS - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Christopher Welty - ACM - Architecture
    James Wright - EDU - InstructTechnology&Innovat
    Jiayan Zhang - HSS - History & Philosophy

  • Karyn Alme - SCM - Ecol, Evol, & Organis Biol
    Carole Arnold - BUS - Grants
    Charity Butcher - HSS - Conf Mgt,Peaceblding,&Dvlp
    Michael Carroll - ACM - Architecture
    Michael Centola - LAF - Public Safety
    Craig Chin - EET - Electrical&Computer Eng
    Justin Cochran - BUS - InformationSystems&Securit
    Donna Colebeck - ART - School of Art and Design
    Gail Dasher - EDU - InstructTechnology&Innovat
    Stacy Delacruz - EDU - Elem & Early Childhood
    Jack Delinsky - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Tammy DeMel - COM - VP Stra Comm&Marketing
    LaTrell Dickens - ESE - Admissions
    Jennifer Dickey - HSS - History & Philosophy
    Bronne Dytoc - ACM - Architecture
    William Faison - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Ashley Feierstein - EXT - Burruss SalesServices
    Volker Franke - HSS - Conf Mgt,Peaceblding,&Dvlp
    Kimberly Gardner - AAF - Accreditation and Policy
    Michelle Goodsite - HSS - English
    Jeffrey Greene - HSS - English
    Jamie Grimes - AAF - Faculty Affairs
    Susan Hardy - CSE - Statistics&Analytical Sci
    Rochelle Harris Cox - HSS - English
    Willajoya Hicks - EDU - Inclusive Education
    Michael Howell - MRB - Museum, Archive & Rare Bks
    Pauline Howes - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    Sandra Jones - CSE - Software Eng & Game Dvlmnt
    Lu Kang - SCM - Chemistry & Biochemistry
    David Kehler - ART - Bailey School of Music
    Adeel Khalid - EET - Office of Dean
    Symon Kimitei - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Lynn Kunkel - ART - Bailey School of Music
    Carolee Larsen - HSS - Sociology&Criminal Justice
    Viola Lee - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Alan Lipschitz - BSC - AUX-ARC II Housing
    Dan Lo - CSE - Computer Science
    Margaret Lowder - AAF - VP Academic Affairs
    Brandon Lundy - HSS - Geography & Anthropology
    Suma Mallavarapu - HSS - Psychological Science
    Nicole Martin - HSS - Psychological Science
    Tim Martin - HSS - Psychological Science
    James McComb - BUS - School Of Accountancy
    Jennifer McMahon - AAF - Accreditation and Policy
    William Mirandy - ESE - Admissions
    Robert Montgomery - HSS - English
    Julie Moore - EDU - InstructTechnology&Innovat
    Doris Morris - HHS - Exercise Sci & Sport Mgmt
    Stuart Napshin - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
    Hien Ngo - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Sherry Oligny - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Christopher Palmer - HSS - English
    Tamara Powell - HSS - RadowCollegeOfHum&SocScien
    Jacqueline Quiroga - ESE - Admissions
    Ashley Richardson - LAF - Public Safety
    Jennifer Schafer - BUS - School Of Accountancy
    Veronica Sheehan - AAF - SMART Center
    Ashley Shelden - HSS - English
    Wendy Smith - OGE - Global Education
    Carl Snook - HSS - School of Gov-t& Intl Affr
    Christopher Strickland - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Christopher Totten - HSS - Sociology&Criminal Justice
    Trudi Vaughan - LAF - Public Safety
    Benjamin Wadsworth - ART - Bailey School of Music
    Pamela Walters - ESE - Admissions
    Ying Wang - EET - Robotics&Mechatronics Eng
    Joshua Watson - LAF - Public Safety
    Pegah Zamani - ACM - Architecture
  • William Afalla - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Yvonne Anderson - LAF - Public Safety
    Brittany Bailey - OPS - CAMPUS OPERATIONS
    Meredith Barner-Lane - LAF - Public Safety
    Hilary Battle - AAF - RCHSS Advising Center
    Chaunty Bonaparte Foster - AAF - WCHHS Advising Center
    Craig Brasco - ART - School of Art and Design
    Michael Braswell - EET - Engineering Technology
    Christine Bryant - CSE - Office of Dean
    Jessica Bynum - BSC - AUX-AuxiliaryAdministratio
    Sumit Chakravarty - EET - Electrical&Computer Eng
    Sandra Chandler - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Stephanie Chase - COM - VP Stra Comm&Marketing
    Manijeh Chavoshi - CSE - Software Eng & Game Dvlmnt
    Xueying Chen - LIB - University Libraries
    Eric Clark - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Sasha Cokuslu - OGE - Global Education
    Stewart Cook - ATH - Football
    Sean Crampton - LIB - University Libraries
    Sheryl Croft - EDU - Educational Leadership
    Sandip Das - EET - Electrical&Computer Eng
    Susan Domino - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Cristen Dutcher - BUS - School Of Accountancy
    Jasmine Edwards - OGE - Global Education
    Rodrick Esaw - PDC - Environmental Hlth Safety
    Brian Etheridge - HON - Honors
    Eduardo Farfan - EET - Mechanical Engineering
    Bonnie Folker - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Amanda Frank - AAF - BCOE Advising
    Timothy Frank - ACM - Architecture
    Monica Gerda - HHS - Health Promotion & Phy Ed.
    Ebony Glover - HSS - Psychological Science
    Alice Gooding - HSS - Geography & Anthropology
    Sherrie Goodman - EXT - Career Planning & Develop
    Stefanie Green - MRB - Museum, Archive & Rare Bks
    Sathish Kumar Gurupatham - EET - Mechanical Engineering
    Patrick Harbin - BUS - Dean-Business
    Elizabeth Harrison - SCM - Molecular & Cellular Biol
    Tiffany Hartz - BSC - AUX-AuxiliaryAdministratio
    Samantha Helgesen - BSC - Student Financial Aid
    Carole Hollingsworth - BUS - InformationSystems&Securit
    Jennifer Hutchins - BUS - Marketing & Profess Sales
    Joyce Ingram - STA - Counseling and Psych Svcs
    Tyrone Jackson - ART - Bailey School of Music
    Nathalia Jaramillo - HSS - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Sarah Johnson - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    Ivan Jorrin Abellan - EDU - Dean-Education
    Parminder Juneja - ACM - Construction Management
    Robert Keyser - EET - Industrial & Systems Eng
    Yoon Hee Kim - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
    Denise Knapp - HHS - Exercise Sci & Sport Mgmt
    Rebecca Kraegel - HSS - English
    Michael Lahey - HSS - TechComm&InteractiveDesign
    Ellen Lahtinen - HSS - Conf Mgt,Peaceblding,&Dvlp
    Michelle Maendler - BSC - CPE-Professional Edu. Dept
    Kenneth McKay - ATH - Sports Information
    Russell Midkiff - LAF - Public Safety
    Catherine Moore - AAF - CCOB Advising
    Sobia Mufti - HSS - Conf Mgt,Peaceblding,&Dvlp
    Marrielle Myers - EDU - Elem & Early Childhood
    Ludmila Orlova Shokry - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Janessa Perez - GDC - Graduate Admissions
    Gowri Pillai - PDC - Design & Construction Serv
    Seyedamin Pouriyeh - CSE - Information Technology
    William Pownall - STA - Sports & Recreation
    James Pressley - OPS - Landscape and Grounds
    Amy Roach - HHS - Nursing
    Michael Robinson - AAF - CSM ADVISING
    Darlene Rodriguez - HHS - Social Work and Human Svs
    Sanjuana Rodriguez - EDU - Elem & Early Childhood
    Matthew Rosenberg - PDC - Environmental Hlth Safety
    Christina Russell - BSC - CPE-Professional Edu. Dept
    Deborah Santa - EDU - Assess/Accred in Education
    Karen Sender - AAF - Owl Advising
    Youngguk Seo - EET - Civil&Enviromental Eng
    Danielle Settineri - STA - Student Disabilities Serv
    David Simpson - OPS - Central Receiving & Dist.
    George Sipp - ART - School of Art and Design
    Richard Sisk - ESE - Admissions
    Robert Smith - BSC - CPE-Marketing
    Tanya Smith - LAF - Public Safety
    Brian Starks - HSS - Sociology&Criminal Justice
    Jesus Tamayo - LAF - Public Safety
    Charles Thorne - HSS - English
    Roger Tutterow - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Christina Ujj - AAF - CETL
    Lynn Varagona - HHS - Nursing
    Hector Vasquez - OPS - Building Services
    Paul Wakeman - HSS - English
    Leah Weaver - SCM - Dean-Science & Mathmatics
    Amanda Whiteley - ESE - Registrar & Records
    Roneisha Worthy - EET - Civil&Enviromental Eng
    Jana Young - ART - Bailey School of Music
    Elizabeth Youngblood - AAF - RCHSS Advising Center
    Vanessa Younis Saho - EDU - Educational Leadership
    Jeffrey Yunek - ART - Bailey School of Music
  • John Abernathy - BUS - School Of Accountancy
    Samantha Abney - STA - SCAI
    Sanjeev Adhikari - ACM - Construction Management
    Jessica Aguirre - LAF - Public Safety
    Amaal Al Shenawa - ACM - Construction Management
    Abigail Alexander - HSS - World LanguagesAndCultures
    Nolan Alexander - ATH - Athletics Promos & Mrktng
    Scott Allen - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Amir Ali Amiri Moghadam - EET - Robotics&Mechatronics Eng
    Camden Anich - MRB - Museum, Archive & Rare Bks
    Noraida Ayala - BSC - AUX-ARC II Housing
    Farahnaz Bahreini-Esfahani - CSE - Computer Science
    Krystal Bailey - COM - VP Stra Comm&Marketing
    Olumuyiwa Baoku - BSC - AUX-ARC II Housing
    McKenna Becker - LAF - Institutional Equity
    Jeffrey Berman - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Emmanuel Bertrand - PDC - Design & Construction Serv
    Sylvia Bhattacharya - EET - Engineering Technology
    Frederic Bien - CSE - Statistics&Analytical Sci
    Ilana Blumenfeld-Gantz - OGE - Global Education
    Kathleen Booth - HHS - Social Work and Human Svs
    Eric Boykin - BSC - AUX-ARC II Housing
    Adam Bray - ATH - MensCC Indoor/Outdoor Trac
    E Bresler - ESE - Registrar & Records
    Mario Bretfeld - SCM - Ecol, Evol, & Organis Biol
    Cynthia Brittingham - ESE - Admissions
    Austin Brown - CSE - Statistics&Analytical Sci
    Noelle Brown - HSS - World LanguagesAndCultures
    Barbra Butler - HHS - Exercise Sci & Sport Mgmt
    Jeffrey Cain - LAF - Public Safety
    Carmen Capote - OPS - Building Services
    Stephanie Carlson - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    William Carter - HSS - English
    Eric Castater - HSS - School of Gov-t& Intl Affr
    Coskun Cetinkaya - CSE - Computer Science
    Janki Changela - BSC - AUX-KSU Bookstore
    Ramona Chaplin - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Amanda Charter - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Meishan Chen - HSS - English
    Theresa Clark - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Rachael Coelho - ATH - Women CC In/Outdoor Track
    Collett Combs - EDU - iTEACH/BCOE
    Charity Costa-Reese - AAF - RCHSS Advising Center
    Amy Cox - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    Joel Crombez - HSS - Sociology&Criminal Justice
    Shawanda Daniel - STA - VP Student Affairs
    Rebecca Davis - BSC - AUX-AuxiliaryAdministratio
    Alexander Derenthal - ATH - Football Strength&Cond
    Qi Dong - BUS - School Of Accountancy
    Ian Dunham - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    Keith Echols - BSC - AUX-Residence Life
    Lesley Eldridge - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Mary Elliott - HSS - English
    Timothy Ellis - ART - Theatre & Perf. Studies
    Katherine Ellsworth-Rivera - BSC - AUX-AuxiliaryAdministratio
    Nicholas Ellwanger - HON - Honors
    Jessica Emanuel - AAF - CSM ADVISING
    Alicia English - DUA - DivOfUniversityAdvancement
    Sara Evans - HSS - Sociology&Criminal Justice
    Ian Ferguson - EET - Electrical&Computer Eng
    Jamie Fielder - EDU - Dean-Education
    Thomas Fish - ART - Theatre & Perf. Studies
    Jaime Fulsang - OLI - OrgEffLdrshpDev.&InclExcel
    Lori Gantt - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Allison Garefino - HHS - WCHHS Prof.Dev.&Com-ty Edu
    Cara Gaskins - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Jennifer Gerdis - ART - Zuckerman Museum
    Sara Giordano - HSS - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Noah Goldblatt - RES - Office of Research
    Jesslyn Gonzalez - ESE - Admissions
    Grimaneza Grasser - HSS - RadowCollegeOfHum&SocScien
    Tammy Green - HHS - Nursing
    Anna Groce - DUA - DivOfUniversityAdvancement
    Jorge Guerrero-Tobar - OPS - Auto Shop
    Allison Gulley - BSC - AUX-Housing Payroll Alloc
    Francisco Gutierrez - OPS - Building Services
    Akilah Hairston - EXT - Burruss Inst of Public Sv
    Calvin Hamilton - ESE - Admissions
    Bobbi Harman - HSS - Conf Mgt,Peaceblding,&Dvlp
    Anthony Harris - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Tykia Harris - AAF - CSM ADVISING
    Amanda Hartman - LIB - University Libraries
    Misty Henderson - AAF - Student Success Programs
    Mary Hill - BUS - School Of Accountancy
    Melanie Holland - HSS - Sociology&Criminal Justice
    Donna Holmes - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Kelly Hoomes - MRB - Museum, Archive & Rare Bks
    Md. F Hossain - ACM - Construction Management
    Yan Huang - CSE - Software Eng & Game Dvlmnt
    Evan Hunnicutt - OPS - Central Receiving & Dist.
    Stephen Ingram - PDC - Environmental Hlth Safety
    Mya Jackson - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Alan Jones - HHS - Nursing
    Kamaria Jones - STA - VP Student Affairs
    Domoni Jordan - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Ela Kaplan - SCM - Physics
    Stacey Kessler - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
    Matthew Keyser - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Ali Keyvanfar - ACM - Construction Management
    Billy Kihei - EET - Electrical&Computer Eng
    Dal Hyung Kim - EET - Mechanical Engineering
    Emily Kitchens - ART - Theatre & Perf. Studies
    Amanda Kline - AAF - VP Academic Affairs
    Antrameka Knight - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Elicia Lair - HSS - Psychological Science
    Daniel Landis - BUS - School Of Accountancy
    Carl Larsen - OPS - HVAC
    Linh Le - CSE - Information Technology
    Sean Ledbetter - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    LaQuita Lee - BSC - AUX-KSU Bookstore
    Steven Love - ART - Theatre & Perf. Studies
    Graham Lowman - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
    Zhoucong Lu - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Elisa Ludovici-Shelnutt - SCM - Molecular & Cellular Biol
    Melih Madanoglu - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
    Dieh'l Martin - EXT - Career Planning & Develop
    Somayeh Mashayekhi - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Robin Mathis - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    Salme McAleer - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Cecilia McDaniel - HSS - RadowCollegeOfHum&SocScien
    Traci McGee - SCM - Ecol, Evol, & Organis Biol
    Robert Miller - RES - KSU Field Station
    Milad Minooie - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    Marco Miranda - BSC - AUX-ARC II Housing
    Julie Morris - ESE - Registrar & Records
    Jennifer Mozley - STA - Student Disabilities Serv
    Nicholas Murphy - CSE - Software Eng & Game Dvlmnt
    Anitha Nandi - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Opal Ojeda - STA - Counseling and Psych Svcs
    Kevin Ozeryansky - LIB - University Libraries
    Daniel Parker - LAF - Public Safety
    Sueyoung Park-Primiano - HSS - English
    Janki Patel - BUS - Dean-Business
    Chloe Petron - OPS - CAMPUS OPERATIONS
    Gregory Phelan - BUS - Dpt of Econ,Fin & Qtv Anls
    Lakshmi Pillalamarri - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Joseph Powell - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Sara Powell - PDC - AVP for PDC & EHS
    Mischele Prasad - AAF - CCOB Advising
    Bridgette Puckett - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Wayne Randle - LAF - Public Safety
    Robert Randolph - BUS - LevenSchool Mgt/Ent/Hospit
    Elyssa Reed - DUA - DivOfUniversityAdvancement
    Jenna Rehm - STA - VP Student Affairs
    Benjamin Reppe - BSC - Student Financial Aid
    Jessie Reuben Lartey - BUS - Undergraduate Programs
    Mary Reyes Estrada - OPS - Building Services
    Amy Reynolds - AAF - COTA ADVISING
    Cody Richards - SCM - GYSTC
    Stacy Lynn Richardson - HHS - Nursing
    Victoria Rittenberg - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Santana Roberts - EET - Mechanical Engineering
    Luciane Rocha - HSS - Interdisciplinary Studies
    Michael Rogers - EET - Office of Dean
    Luis Rojas Rosado - OPS - Plumbing
    Brittney Sanchez - EDU - Grants
    Smilie Sandhu - OLI - OrgEffLdrshpDev.&InclExcel
    Francisco Javier Santillan-Covarrubias - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Andrew Schneider - SCM - Ecol, Evol, & Organis Biol
    Rachel Schrauben Yeates - LIB - University Libraries
    Sabrina Seaman - ACM - Dean of ACM
    Steven Seaman - ISY - University Info Tech Serv
    Reza Sedaghat Shirazinejad - EET - Civil&Enviromental Eng
    Cherno Senghore - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Amanda Sexton - LIB - University Libraries
    Jenna Shackleford - HHS - Nursing
    Rayshawn Simpkins - LAF - Public Safety
    Tyrone Smiley - BSC - AUX-Parking Operations
    Jessica Stehlin - AAF - RCHSS Advising Center
    Megan Stoltzfus - ATH - Athletic Advising
    Kun Suo - CSE - Computer Science
    Jaymes Talkington - ATH - Women CC In/Outdoor Track
    Neil Teitelbaum - ATH - Athletic Ticketing
    Elizabeth Thomas - ART - School of Art and Design
    Maggie Thomas - MRB - Museum, Archive & Rare Bks
    Miacko Thompson - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Courtney Thornton - BSC - Student Financial Aid
    Melanie Uken - HRS - Human Resources
    Kevin Wang - AAF - Data Strategy
    Breana Ware - LAF - Legal Affairs
    Amanda Weed - HSS - School of Comm & Media
    Liza Williams - FIN - Fiscal Services
    Toby Winkler - BSC - AUX-KSU Dining Services
    Stefanie Woodard - HSS - History & Philosophy
    Pengcheng Xiao - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Sumanth Yenduri - CSE - Office of Dean
    Glenn Young - SCM - Department of Mathematics
    Dianhan Zheng - HSS - Psychological Science
    Maria Zuniga - OPS - Building Services