Congratulations and Welcome! 

Congratulations on your acceptance to Kennesaw State University and Keeping Sights Upward Journey Honors College! We are thrilled to be a part of your future at KSU! This checklist is intended to aid you as you navigate your transition into life at Kennesaw State University and KSU Journey Honors College. While the resources and forms referenced below do not need to be completed in any specific order, please note that some of the items below are addressed on a first-come, first-served basis and some timelines are tighter than others.  

Honors-specific opportunities such as housing and scholarships are on a first-come, first-served basis. 

ksu circle with arrow pointing right

1. Next-Steps

Review university-wide, new-student resources, activate your netID and student email, and begin checking your student email for KSU and honors updates! 

new-student resources

2. Attend a KSU Orientation

Attendance at an in-person or virtual KSU Orientation session is required for all owls. Your Honors Welcome Session will take place at KSU Orientation, so be sure to register for KSU Orientation as soon as your are able. KSU Orientation will be your first opportunity to regsiter for both honors and non-honors courses!

Pop by the Honors Lounge on either the Marietta or Kennesaw Campus during your KSU Orientation!

KSU Orientation
ksu user and chalkboard icon
ksu user with checkmark icon

3. Follow Us

Follow KSU Journey Honors College on Instagram (@honorsKSU)

Journey Honors College instagram 

4. Consider your KSU Housing options

KSU Journey Honors College has partnered with KSU Housing to provide the Honors Living-Learning Village (LLV). Tenants for this community are selected and managed by KSU housing - for more information, please view the KSU Housing website. To apply for housing in the Honors LLV, please complete the KSU Housing application and indicate an interest in the Honors LLV. 

 KSU Housing
ksu student housing icon
ksu group of people icon

5. Get Involved

Check out Owl Life to get involved with student organizations and RSVP for honors events!  
Student Organizations

6. Scrappy’s Bucket List

Check out Scrappy’s Bucket List to discover campus events and earn rewards!

 Scrappy’s Bucket List
ksu bucket